Dean of Students Office

Campus Supports During the Election Season

Individual Supports

Brandeis Counseling Center (BCC)

Counselors are available for one-on-one confidential support. Students in Massachusetts can call 781-736-3730 to set up an assessment or urgent care meeting. Students located anywhere can also participate in  workshops and discussion-based groups led by a counselor. Register for a workshop or discussion group.

Dean of Students Office

Dean Jamele Adams is available to discuss election processing by Zoom appointment. Please email to make an appointment.

Gender and Sexuality Center

The Director of the Gender and Sexuality Center is available to meet with any student who needs support and a space to process. To schedule an appointment, students can email

Prevention, Advocacy and Resource Center (PARC)

Schedule a confidential meeting with a staff or peer advocate via Zoom, Chatbox or in person.

Center for Spiritual Life

Chaplains are a confidential resource and are available to meet with any student who needs support or a space to process before and after the election. Sign up for an in-person or Zoom meeting. You can select which chaplain you'd like to meet with or simply click the "Contact Us" button and choose the time that works best for you. Same-day meetings via Zoom and next day in-person meetings are available.

Staff and faculty are also invited to schedule a conversation with us if you're seeking spiritual support.

Communal Support

Brandeis Counseling Center Workshops and Discussion Groups

Students located anywhere can also participate in  workshops and discussion-based groups led by a counselor. Register for a workshop or discussion group.

Coping With Election Stress

For tips on how to cope with election stress, see Health and Wellness Promotions (HAWP) advice.

Election Debrief Circles

Community members can gather with staff facilitators to talk about how the election process is impacting them. These will be in person as well as virtual.

Debrief Circles will be offered Nov. 4, Nov. 6 and Nov. 10.  Facilitators may include student affairs staff, counseling staff, as well as faculty members.